Wedding gifts for the bride

Face sketch

A beautiful surprise for your friend, if you secretly draw a sketch of the face of your best friend. Surely he will be very happy because you are a friend who cares. wine glass hong kong This gift will be very meaningful if you give it to a female friend.
If you can’t sketch your best friend’s face, you can order it at a face sketching service provider which is quite easy to find. There is nothing wrong with your original work, which is definitely your sincere intention as a gift for a good friend in your life.
Face Vector / WPAP

Recently, the term WPAP (Wedha’s Pop Art Portrait) is trending, which is a group of face portrait illustrations that cross geometrically with special color combinations. Good portrait designs are indeed made using vectors.
Besides WPAP, there is also face illustration art using ordinary vectors, the results are also good, you know. A person’s face can be made to look like a cartoon.
Face portraits like this are great for your girlfriend’s birthday present. Although quite a lot of people make this WPAP as a birthday gift, that doesn’t mean it’s not unique, right?
Unique Clutch or Wallet

Giving a wallet as a birthday gift is not a new idea anymore. However, you need to know that the right wallet for a girl friend’s birthday gift is a unique and ethnic wallet in the form of a clutch. The women certainly really like this large and long wallet with a cute and ethnic motif.
The choice of the long model is chosen so that later your friends can store more things, because indeed some women prefer to use a long wallet and put it in a bag when traveling.
Ornamental Cactus

The last unique gift is a pottery craft in the form of a mini flower pot. This earthenware pot contains a unique mini ornamental cactus plant. Usually ornamental cactus plants are used for ornamental plants in the house and placed on the work table or on the living room table.
This mini ornamental cactus plant is quite resistant to living in the room of the house, but the weakness is that the mini ornamental cactus is a living ornamental plant that will surely wither and die. Well, but it doesn’t matter, you can try it, who knows your friends like it and even have an interest in cultivating it.

If your female best friend is wearing a hijab, maybe you can give a scarf with a bright motif as a birthday gift idea. Although most hijabers already have a bright motif scarf, pj champagne adding a collection of motif scarf will still make them happy. Choose a scarf with a limited motif to make it seem more exclusive, such as a scarf from Indonesian illustrators.
Wooden Watches

Wooden watches are one of the unique and rare types of accessories. This unique watch is most likely if you give it to your girlfriend as a birthday gift then she will always keep it.
In essence, if you give a wooden watch as a gift to your friends, you will automatically remember them too. This watch will also be very useful because they can always wear it every day to accompany all activities.